The ghost town

A stone’s throw from the port of Luderitz, is a ghost town - Kolmanskop. A place you’d think time has forgotten.

Unloved, ruined, and on the verge of collapse, every building you visit in this town, has a story of it’s once thriving past.

That story aside, all it serves as today, is a tourist destination run by the Namibian diamond industry. Nature is slowly taking over every building plank, by plank, brick by brick.

Wherever you look there’s sand - a reminder of the desert landscape where this town once stood.

Speaking of sand, one needs to visit the various rooms of houses in town. Some rooms tell a recursive story, with doors within doors within doors. Others arouse curiosity; what with a bathtub by a window and the graffiti of a woman - Miss Kolmanskop.

It’s tough to be romantic about this place, however strong some houses may stand. Does it have a message? Maybe it says something about impermanence. I’m sure everyone has their own interpretations. I leave you to make your own.